How To Do Shani Puja At Home

need to worship Shani Dev, How To Do Shani Puja At Home

How To Do Shani Puja At Home

need to worship Shani Dev why?

Shani Puja is a Hindu ritual dedicated to Lord Shani (Saturn), believed to bring protection from the malefic effects of Saturn and to gain his blessings for a prosperous and harmonious life. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to perform Shani Puja at home:

Things you’ll need to worship Shani Dev

  1. Idol or image of Lord Shani (can be a picture or a small statue).
  2. Oil lamp (diya) and oil/ghee.
  3. Incense sticks (agarbatti) and holder.
  4. Camphor.
  5. Flowers.
  6. Fruits.
  7. Sweets or prasad.
  8. Black sesame seeds.
  9. Water.
  10. Panchamrit (a mixture of milk, yogurt, honey, sugar, and ghee).

Read Also:- Shani Amavasya Kheer Prasad Vitran

Procedure to worship of Shani dev:

  1. Cleanliness: Before starting the puja, ensure you take a bath and wear clean clothes. Clean the puja area as well.
  2. Place the idol: Set up a clean and quiet puja space. Place the idol or image of Lord Shani on a clean cloth or platform.
  3. Light the lamp: Light the oil lamp and the incense sticks. The light symbolizes dispelling darkness and ignorance.
  4. Offer flowers: Offer fresh flowers to Lord Shani as a symbol of your devotion and respect.
  5. Offer fruits and sweets: Offer fruits and sweets as prasad to Lord Shani. This represents your gratitude and offering the best to the deity.
  6. Chant mantras: Recite Shani Mantras to invoke Lord Shani’s blessings. One commonly recited mantra is: “Om Sham Shanaischaraya Namaha.” You can chant this mantra or any other Shani-related mantra you’re familiar with.
  7. Offer water: Take a little water in your right hand and sprinkle it around the idol or image of Lord Shani while reciting the mantra. This symbolizes purification.
  8. Offer black sesame seeds: Offer black sesame seeds to Lord Shani while chanting his mantras. Black sesame seeds are associated with appeasing Saturn’s energy.
  9. Perform aarti: Perform the aarti by circling the lit lamp in front of the deity in a clockwise manner while singing or reciting an aarti song or mantra.
  10. Offer camphor: Light a small piece of camphor and circle it in front of the deity. You can also offer it while saying your prayers.
  11. Meditation and prayers: Spend some time in quiet meditation, focusing on Lord Shani’s blessings, and offering your prayers for protection and well-being.
  12. Distribution of prasad: After the puja is complete, distribute the fruits and sweets you offered as prasad to everyone present.
  13. Clean up: Once the puja is done, carefully extinguish the lamp and the incense sticks. Keep the puja area clean.

However, Remember, performing puja with devotion and a pure heart is more important than elaborate rituals. If you’re not familiar with the mantras or procedures, you can simply offer your sincere prayers to Lord Shani and seek his blessings. It’s always a good idea to consult with a priest or someone knowledgeable if you’re unsure about any aspect of the puja.

Best time to worship Shani dev: At every day or Saturday night at 9 PM.

What to offer Shani dev on Saturday: Kali Udad ki Daal ka Bhoga or Imarti

Benefits of worshipping Shani dev: Name and fame, defeated enemies.

Shani dev favorite food: Black Graphs or Banna

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