Tailabhishekam for shani dev Online Booking

Tailabhishekam for shani dev Online Booking, shani tailabhishekam near me, shani tailabhishekam procedure

The Hindu ritual known as “Tailabhishekam,” or “Shani Tailabhishek,” performed to appease Lord Shani (Saturn), one of the nine celestial bodies or “grahas” in Hindu astrology, involves believers performing it to mitigate the negative effects of Saturn’s influence, which is believe to impact a person’s life and destiny. Lord Shani is considering a powerful deity who can bring blessings and protection.

Shani tailabhishekam procedure

Here are the steps involved in performing Tailabhishekam for Shani Dev:

  1. Purification: Begin by purifying yourself through a bath or shower. Wear clean and fresh clothes.
  2. Set up the Altar: Create a sacring space or altar for Lord Shani. Place a picture or idol of Lord Shani on the altar. You can also light a lamp or incense to create a divine atmosphere.
  3. Ingredients: You will need sesame oil (til oil), black sesame seeds, black cloth, a small bowl, and flowers.
  4. Offerings: Light a lamp and incense in front of Lord Shani’s image. Offer flowers and pray to Lord Shani to seek his blessings.
  5. Preparation of Til Oil: Heat the sesame oil in a small vessel. While heating, add some black sesame seeds to it. As the oil heats up, the sesame seeds will sizzle and pop. This process symbolizes the removal of negative influences.
  6. Abhishekam (Anointing): Once the oil is heated, let it cool down to a comfortable temperature. Then, carefully pour the oil over the idol or picture of Lord Shani while chanting Shani Mantras or his name. You can recite the Shani Gayatri Mantra or any other mantra dedicating to Lord Shani.
  7. Prayers: Offer your prayers to Lord Shani, seeking his blessings for protection from malefic influences and for the well-being of yourself and your family.
  8. Donation: It is considered auspicious to donate items associated with Lord Shani, such as black clothes, sesame seeds, oil, or food to the needy or the poor.
  9. Aarti: Conclude the ritual by performing an aarti for Lord Shani and singing hymns or bhajans dedicated to him.
  10. Feasting: After the ritual, it is customary to prepare a meal that includes dishes made from black sesame seeds and share it with family and friends.

Shani Dev ritual with devotion and sincerity

In contrast, It is important to perform this ritual with devotion and sincerity,  you can Tailabhishekam for shani dev Online Booking can use with our temples. Devotees believe that by doing so, they can mitigate the malefic effects of Lord Shani and receive his blessings for a prosperous and peaceful life.

It’s also recommended to consult with a knowledgeable priest or astrologer for guidance on performing Tailabhishekam, as specific rituals and mantras may vary based on regional traditions and individual beliefs.

Shani Tailabhishekam online at the Guruweshvar Shani Temple

The Guruweshvar Shani Temple offers an online service for performing Shani Tailabhishekam at a cost of 5100 INR per family. This service is providing to accommodate devotees who cannot physically visit the temple but desire to partake in the ritual from a distance. Through this online service, temple priests perform the Tailabhishekam ceremony on behalf of individuals and families.

Shani tailabhishekam online booking

If you are interested in availing this service, you can typically follow these steps:

  1. Contact the Guruweshvar Shani Temple or visit their official website to inquire about the online Tailabhishekam service. Booking
  2. Provide the necessary details, such as your name, your family members’ names, and your birth details, as this information is often used in the ritual.
  3. Pay the prescribed fee, which in this case is 5100 INR per family.
  4. The temple priests will perform the Tailabhishekam ritual on the schedule date and time while you can watch the ceremony online via a live stream or video conferencing.
  5. You can participate in the prayers and rituals remotely by following the instructions providing by the temple.
  6. After the ritual is complete, you may receive prasad (bless offerings) or other items associating with the ritual through mail or courier.

Book Online Tailabhishekam

To Know shani tailabhishekam procedure call me 9997235502


Shani tailabhishekam near me

It’s important to verify the details, procedures, and fees with the Guruweshvar Shani Temple directly, as they may have specific requirements or variations in their online service. Additionally, make sure to schedule the online Tailabhishekam at a convenient time and date that works for both you and the temple.

Shani Tailabhishekam Benefits

After the Tailabhishekam for shani dev Online Booking you can get the following benefits.

Thereore, Performing Shani Tailabhishekam is believe to have several spiritual and astrological benefits according to Hindu tradition.

Here are some of the potential benefits associating with this ritual:

  1. Mitigating the Effects of Saturn (Shani Dosha): Shani Tailabhishekam is primarily performed to appease Lord Shani, who is known for his influence on a person’s life. By performing this ritual, devotees seek to reduce the malefic effects of Saturn and mitigate Shani Dosha (Saturn’s affliction) in their birth charts.
  2. Protection from Obstacles: It is believe that Lord Shani can bring obstacles and challenges into one’s life. By performing Tailabhishekam, devotees seek his protection and blessings to overcome these obstacles and lead a more harmonious life.
  3. Promotion of Discipline: Saturn is associated with discipline and hard work. By worshiping Lord Shani through this ritual, individuals may develop a stronger sense of discipline, responsibility, and commitment to their goals.
  4. Health and Well-Being: However, Tailabhishekam involves using sesame oil, which is considering auspicious and has potential health benefits. Some believe that the ritual can promote physical and mental well-being.
  5. Family Harmony: It is believe that the blessings of Lord Shani obtaining through this ritual can promote peace and harmony within the family.
  6. Career and Financial Stability: Devotees often seek blessings for career growth, financial stability, and success in their endeavors by appeasing Lord Shani through this ritual.
  7. Reduction of Suffering: However, Saturn is also associated with suffering and karmic debts. By performing the Tailabhishekam, individuals may seek relief from suffering and the resolution of karmic issues.
  8. Spiritual Growth: Also, This ritual is a form of devotion and worship. It is believed that by performing it with sincerity and devotion, individuals can progress spiritually and develop a stronger connection with the divine.

In contrast : What Effective Saturday Donations to Appease Shani Dev ?

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