Tel abhishek procedure: Online Donate to Abhishek Shani dev Temple

Online Donate to Abhishek , Tel abhishek procedure, Donate to Shani Temple to remove Bad Effetcs of Sade Sati

Tel abhishek procedure shani dev: Online Donate to Abhishek, Tel abhishek procedure: Online Donate to Abhishek Shani dev Temple 

Also, Tel Abhishek is a process that can only be performed in the shani temple.

Therefore, The “Tel Abhishek” procedure for Shani Dev (Lord Saturn) is a ritual where devotees offer oil to the deity as a form of worship. Here is a general outline of the procedure, but remember that specific customs may vary based on regional traditions and personal preferences. It is advisable to consult with a knowledgeable priest or follow the customs of your local temple for accurate guidance.

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Tel Abhishek Procedure for Shani Dev:

  1. Purification:
    • Begin by purifying yourself through a bath or a cleansing ritual.
    • Ensure that the area where the way will take place is clean and tidy.
  2. Gather Supplies:
    • Collect the necessary items, including sesame oil (til oil), black sesame seeds, a small bowl or vessel, and other offerings such as flowers, incense, and fruits.
  3. Set Up the Altar:
    • Create a sacred space or altar for Shani Dev. This can be a designated area in your home or a temple.
    • Place an image or idol of Shani Dev on the altar.
  4. Light Incense:
    • Light incense to create a sacred atmosphere.
  5. Recite Mantras:
    • Begin the ritual by chanting mantras dedicated to Shani Dev. The specific mantras can vary, but the “Shani Beej Mantra” is commonly recited. Consult with a knowledgeable person for the appropriate mantra.
  6. Offer Black Sesame Seeds:
    • Offer black sesame seeds to Shani Dev while chanting prayers.
  7. Perform Tel Abhishek:
    • In contrast, Take sesame oil in a small vessel and pour it over the idol or image of Shani Dev while reciting prayers.
    • The pouring of oil symbolizes the cleansing and purification of the devotee, seeking the blessings of Shani Dev.
  8. Express Devotion:
    • While performing the Tel Abhishek, express your devotion, gratitude, and prayers to Shani Dev. Ask for his blessings and protection.
  9. Offer Other Items:
    • Offer flowers, fruits, and any other items you have prepared as a gesture of reverence.
  10. Conclude with Aarti:
    • Conclude the ritual by performing aarti for Shani Dev, circling a lit lamp or camphor before the deity.
  11. Distribution of Prasad:
    • Also, If you have prepared any prasad (offering), distribute it among family members or attendees.

However, approach such rituals with sincerity, devotion, and respect. If you are unsure about specific mantras or procedures, it’s best to seek guidance from a knowledgeable person or a priest associated with the temple you follow.


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