Donate on the Auspicious Occasion of Ekadasi : Donate rice on ekadashi

Donate on the Auspicious Occasion of Ekadasi : Donate rice on ekadashi

donate rice on ekadashi

Celebrate Ekadasi with a Heartfelt Donation: Support the Guruweshvar Shani Foundation

Parsva Ekadasi, a significant day in the Hindu calendar, is celebrating with immense devotion and reverence by millions around the world. Falling on the eleventh day of the lunar fortnight, this auspicious occasion is dedicating to Lord Vishnu, particularly commemorating the shift of the Lord during his sleep in the four-month period known as Chaturmas.

Day of Lord Vishnu

As we seek the blessings of Lord Vishnu, it is also a time to extend our hands in compassion and charity, following the path of righteousness and benevolence.

In line with this spirit of giving, the Guruweshvar Shani Foundation invites you to be a part of a noble initiative. This Parsva Ekadasi, we are organizing a special donation drive where your contributions will be utilizing to distribute kheer prasad to those in need.

Rice And Milk Kheer

Kheer, a traditional Indian sweet dish made of rice, milk, and sugar, is not just a delicacy but also holds great cultural and religious significance. Offering kheer as prasad is a way to invoke the divine and share the blessings with everyone.

Why Donate on Parsva Ekadasi?

Therefore, The Parsva Ekadasi is a day of profound spiritual significance. Observing fasts, performing pujas, and engaging in acts of charity are integral aspects of the celebration. By donating rice through the Guruweshvar Shani Foundation, you can partake in the age-old tradition of giving and contribute to the well-being of the community. Your donation will help prepare kheer prasad, which will be distributed to the less fortunate, ensuring that the divine blessings of Lord Vishnu reach every corner.

Brahma Vaivarta Purana Said

Too, According to the Brahma Vaivarta Purana, “If possible, on this day one should give a qualified person some yogurt mixed with rice, as well as some silver, and then remain awake throughout the night. This simple observance will free one of all material conditioning.” This ancient scripture underscores the importance of charity and self-discipline on this sacred day. By participating in our donation drive, you align with these timeless teachings and contribute to the upliftment of others.

The Significance of Kheer Prasad

Also, Kheer, a dish made from rice, milk, and sugar, is often associated with auspicious occasions and religious ceremonies. In Hindu mythology, it is believed that offering kheer pleases the deities and brings prosperity and happiness. By distributing kheer prasad, we not only adhere to these traditions but also bring joy and satisfaction to those who receive it. The act of sharing prasad fosters a sense of community and harmony, reinforcing the values of compassion and selflessness.

About Guruweshvar Shani Foundation

In contrast of – The Guruweshvar Shani Foundation is dedicating to serving the community and promoting the values of compassion, empathy, and support. Our mission is to uplift the underprivileged and provide them with opportunities for a better life. We organize various charitable activities, including food distribution drives, educational programs, and healthcare initiatives. Our commitment to social welfare is unwavering, and we strive to make a positive impact on society through our efforts.

How You Can Contribute

Also, Contributing to this noble cause is simple. You can donate rice or make a monetary contribution, which will be using to purchase the necessary ingredients for preparing the kheer prasad. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a significant difference.

Your support will enable us to reach more people and ensure that the blessings of Parsva Ekadasi touch as many lives as possible.

Donate rice on Ekadashi

To donate, please visit our website or contact us directly. We also welcome volunteers who wish to participate in preparing and distributing the prasad. Together, we can make this Parsva Ekadasi a memorable and blessed occasion for everyone involved.


However, As we prepare to celebrate Parsva Ekadasi, let us remember the true essence of this holy day – devotion, selflessness, and charity. Donating rice through the Guruweshvar Shani Foundation can help us share the divine Kheer prasad with those who need it the most. Your contribution will bring smiles, spread joy, and ensure that the blessings of Lord Vishnu are felt far and wide. Join us in this noble endeavour and make this Parsva Ekadasi truly special. You can send parcel of rice to Donate rice on ekadashi.

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Brahma Vaivarta Purana said

Also, If possible, on this day one should give a qualified person some yogurt mixed with rice, as well as some silver, and then remain awake throughout the night. This simple observance will free one of all material conditioning.

How You Can Make a Difference

Making a difference this Parsva Ekadasi is simple. You can donate rice or make a financial contribution, which will be used to purchase the necessary ingredients for preparing the kheer prasad. Every donation, regardless of size, contributes to a larger cause and helps us reach more people in need. Your generosity ensures that the divine blessings of Lord Vishnu are shared with all.

To make a donation, visit our website or contact us directly. We also welcome volunteers who wish to assist in the preparation and distribution of the prasad. Together, we can make this Parsva Ekadasi a truly memorable and blessed occasion for everyone involved.