How much we can donate to NGO for tax exemption?

How much we can donate to NGO for tax exemption?, Donating to NGOs in India Shani Foundation

Giving Wisely: Tax Benefits and Limits of Donating to NGOs in India

Contributing to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is a noble act that empowers positive change. Not only does it support crucial social causes, but it can also come with some financial benefits in the form of tax deductions. In India, Section 80G of the Income Tax Act incentivizes donations to approved NGOs by allowing deductions from your taxable income.

But how much can you donate and claim under this provision? Let’s delve into the specifics:

Deduction Categories:

The amount you can claim as a deduction varies depending on the type of NGO and the cause it supports:

  • 100% deduction without limit: This applies to specific institutions like scientific research associations, charitable hospitals, and funds for national calamities.
  • 100% deduction with a limit: Certain institutions like approved universities, colleges, and technical institutions qualify for 100% deduction, but capped at 10% of your Adjusted Gross Total Income (AGTI).
  • 50% deduction without limit: This category covers a wider range of NGOs involved in social welfare, rural development, environmental protection, and other charitable endeavours.
  • 50% deduction with a limit: Similar to the above, but also capped at 10% of your AGTI.

Tax Limitations to Remember:

  • Cash donations exceeding Rs. 2,000 are not eligible for deduction unless made through prescribed modes like cheque or online transfer.
  • In-kind contributions like food, clothes, or medicines cannot be claimed as deductions.
  • The overall deduction claimed under Section 80G cannot exceed 10% of your AGTI, except for donations covered under the 100% deduction without limit category.

Maximizing Your Tax Benefit:

  • Choose wisely: Research the NGO’s credibility and ensure it has an 80G registration certificate.
  • Plan your donations strategically: If you anticipate exceeding the 10% AGTI limit, consider spreading your contributions across multiple eligible NGOs throughout the year.
  • Maintain proper records: Keep receipts, certificates, and bank statements as proof of your donations.

Beyond Tax Breaks:

Remember, the tax benefit should be an added incentive, not the primary motivation for donating. Contributing to NGOs is ultimately about supporting impactful causes and making a positive difference in the world. Choose organizations that resonate with your values and passions, and let your generosity be driven by a desire to create a better tomorrow.

This article provides a general overview of tax deductions for NGO donations in India. It’s always best to consult a qualified tax professional for specific advice and calculations. By understanding the rules and regulations, you can maximize your tax savings while making a meaningful contribution to worthy causes.

By giving wisely, you can reduce your tax burden and become a powerful agent of change, paving the way for a more just and equitable future.

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