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Shani Jayanti 2022

At 2022 Approximately We have distributed 500kg Prasad Vitran

Which Food to Donate on Saturday?, What Do You Give in Shani Mandir?, shani jayanti, What Should We Donate for Shani?

Shani Jayanti 2023

At 2023 Approximately We have distributed 500kg Prasad Vitran

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-07 at 22.33.31

Shani Jayanti 2024

At 2024 Approximately We have distributed 1000kg Prasad Vitran.

Shani Jayanti: Celebrating the Birth of Saturn

Shani Jayanti is an auspicious Hindu festival celebrated with great fervor and devotion across India and by Hindus worldwide. It marks the birth anniversary of Lord Shani, the divine embodiment of the planet Saturn in Vedic astrology. This occasion holds significant spiritual and astrological importance, as Lord Shani is believed to govern the karmic cycles and influence human destinies.

The festival falls on the Amavasya (new moon day) during the Hindu month of Jyeshtha, typically in May or June according to the Gregorian calendar. Devotees observe various rituals and practices on this day to seek blessings from Lord Shani for protection, prosperity, and the alleviation of obstacles in life.

Significance of Shani Jayanti:

  1. Astrological Importance: According to Vedic astrology, Saturn (Shani) is considered a powerful planet that signifies discipline, justice, and karmic balance. Its placement in a person’s horoscope is believed to influence their life’s challenges and lessons.

  2. Karmic Influence: Devotees believe that worshipping Lord Shani on Shani Jayanti can help mitigate the adverse effects of Saturn’s influence in their lives. It is a time to reflect on one’s actions and seek spiritual growth by embracing responsibilities and overcoming obstacles.

  3. Protection and Blessings: People offer prayers, perform special rituals, and visit temples dedicated to Lord Shani to seek his blessings for protection against malefic influences, especially related to health, career, and relationships.

Celebrations and Rituals:

  1. Fasting: Many devotees observe a fast on Shani Jayanti as a mark of devotion and to seek Lord Shani’s blessings. Some may observe a partial fast by consuming fruits and milk, while others may abstain from food and water until sunset.

  2. Temple Visits: Pilgrims throng to temples dedicated to Lord Shani, such as the Shani Shingnapur temple in Maharashtra, to offer special prayers and seek blessings. These temples witness elaborate decorations and rituals during Shani Jayanti.

  3. Charity and Donations: Giving alms, donating food, clothing, or participating in charitable activities are considered auspicious on this day. It is believed to earn merit and mitigate the negative effects of past karma.

  4. Recitation of Mantras: Chanting powerful mantras dedicated to Lord Shani, such as the Shani Gayatri mantra or the Shani Stotram, is a common practice among devotees seeking divine protection and guidance.

  5. Devotional Offerings: Offerings of sesame oil, black sesame seeds, black clothes, iron, and items representing Saturn are made to Lord Shani as a symbol of reverence and devotion.

Why Guruweshvar Shani Temples?

The Guruweshvar Shani Temple is a revered place of worship for devotees seeking blessings and protection from Lord Shani, the deity associated with the planet Saturn in Vedic astrology. Here are some reasons why people visit the Guruweshvar Shani Temple:

  1. Powerful Spiritual Presence: The Guruweshvar Shani Temple is believed to house a powerful spiritual energy associated with Lord Shani. Devotees visit this temple to experience this divine presence and seek blessings for various aspects of their lives.

  2. Relief from Saturn’s Influence: In Vedic astrology, Saturn is associated with challenges, obstacles, and karmic lessons. People visit the Guruweshvar Shani Temple to alleviate the adverse effects of Saturn’s influence and to seek protection from its malefic aspects.

  3. Karma Correction: Devotees believe that by visiting and offering prayers at the Guruweshvar Shani Temple, they can correct their past karmic actions and seek guidance on leading a righteous and disciplined life.

  4. Special Rituals and Pujas: The temple conducts special rituals and pujas dedicated to Lord Shani, such as the Shani Dosha Nivarana Puja, Shani Jayanti celebrations, and other ceremonies aimed at appeasing Lord Shani and seeking his blessings.

  5. Astrological Consultations: Some visitors seek astrological consultations and remedies from the priests and astrologers associated with the Guruweshvar Shani Temple. They believe that these consultations can provide insights into their astrological charts and offer remedies to mitigate the negative effects of Saturn’s influence.

  6. Community and Devotional Gatherings: The temple serves as a gathering place for devotees to come together, participate in bhajans (devotional songs), attend spiritual discourses, and engage in community service activities.

  7. Faith and Devotion: Ultimately, people visit the Guruweshvar Shani Temple out of faith, devotion, and a desire for spiritual growth. They believe that by connecting with Lord Shani and receiving his blessings, they can lead a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Overall, the Guruweshvar Shani Temple holds a special place in the hearts of devotees who seek solace, guidance, and divine intervention in navigating life’s challenges and fulfilling their spiritual aspirations.